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  • Writer's pictureAndy Przybyla

DJ Andy P's Informative and Honest Blog

Welcome to My World of DJing at Weddings, Parties and other Events.

Throughout my previous websites while operating as Disco Couture and Attack the Dance Floor I have always maintained a blog that I use to share relevant information, advice and a touch of fun to my clients. Is it read much? Probably not but even if it helps one persons it's done its job.

With over a decade of performing at weddings and events I want to share my knowledge with you. I want to share the mistakes i've made or seen others make, I want to help make your party the best it can be. It is my personal mission to provide the best service I can and won't pull any punches in providing you the information you need to make excellent choices.

A Blog rather than an FAQ

It's a great idea to explore the blog and read some of the posts, even though there will be an FAQ post in the blog I treat it very much as a way to answer your questions before you need to ask them. I've tried to make the website as informative as possible but it has to be done in a way that triggers SEO and doesn't ramble on. The blog on the other hand, gives me a place to expand and provide additional details.

Good Honest Advice

Among my peers I am well known for my honesty and realistic outlook. Your party is exactly that, so everything written is for the purpose of giving you an option. If I blog about how to select the music, its done to make sure you maximise the dance floor action, if I blog about useful advice its to help you avoid issues I may have seen unfold. I encourage you to message me and ask questions if your not sure. Part of the service is access to my knowledge and experience.

Being Informative

The other purpose of the blog is to share information. Again I'm limited to what can be put in the webpage's due to google and other search engine algorithms. But blog posts can be as short or long as I like and can include anything I feel is relevant. It's good to scroll through the topics and see if anything registers with you which may be relevant to your next event.

Going Above and Beyond

I'm pretty happy to do something other companies or bloggers may not. Again as this is the first post of the new blog I can't point to anything right now but don't be surprised to see a post and thing WOW... Not many would post that.

So thanks for reading, please come back and visit - i'll be copying over a few of the best posts from my previous blog to start things off.


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